
Anita Sanchez is an author who combines her love of history with a passion for nature.

Her first book was The Teeth of the Lion: The Story of the Beloved and Despised Dandelion, published by McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company. This unconventional nonfiction book is packed with information about–of all things!– dandelions. It describes their ecology, and the crucial and unexpected role they play in the environment. The despised little lawn weed has been used by humans for centuries as a powerful medicine. The final chapters describe the environmental damage caused by the indiscriminate use of lawn pesticides.

Anita Sanchez writes for middle grade and young adults as well. Her historical novel The Invasion of Sandy Bay was published by Boyds Mills Press. The American Library Association called it “a great tale of heroism and adventure.” (ALAN’s PICKS, September, 2008.) A fast-paced story with plot twists and vivid characters, Booklist noted its “surprising humor and readability.”

The book tells the tale–a true story–of how British and American soldiers worked together to free prisoners and create a truce in the midst of violence. The Boston Authors’ Club described Sandy Bay as “the antithesis to war stories,” and selected it for their List of Highly Recommended Books.

Mr. Lincoln’s Chair: The Shakers and Their Quest for Peace, is published by McDonald and Woodward. It is an overview of the Shakers, who were among the first conscientious objectors in America. Midwest Book Review called Mr. Lincoln’s Chair “a captivating, well-researched historical chronicle written to appeal to readers of all backgrounds, highly recommended.”

In the end, we will conserve only what we love;

We will love only what we understand;

We will understand only what we are taught.

–Baba Dioum (Senegalese Environmentalist)