Posts made in May, 2016

Ferns: Can You Eat Fiddleheads?

Posted by on May 24, 2016 in edible, spring, Unmowed Blog | 4 comments

Ferns: Can You Eat Fiddleheads?

A fiddlehead isn’t a type of fern–fiddlehead simply means a young fern. There are fiddleheads you can eat, and then there are ones you shouldn’t fiddle with.

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Spring Greens

Posted by on May 12, 2016 in edible, spring, Unmowed Blog | 1 comment

Spring Greens

The thing about spring greens is that you have to catch them early. Before the flowers arrive. Once you see the flowers, it’s too late–all that tender sweetness is gone. Think of lettuce bolting. Once the plant flowers, the leaves change from a tasty, crunchy mouthful to a bitter pill to swallow.

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