Posts Tagged "mint tea"

Mint: Is It Your Cup of Tea?

Posted by on Nov 23, 2018 in Unmowed Blog | 0 comments

Mint: Is It Your Cup of Tea?

Upset stomach. Ugh. Not horridly painful, nothing serious, just out of sorts and a bit, acidy, you know—really don’t feel like eating. So I’ve been trying to use more herbal remedies for the little aches and pains of life, and I googled herbal remedies for upset stomachs. Came up with mint tea—specifically, peppermint tea. Ah, okay, lots of peppermint growing in the backyard, so let’s give it a try.  Making mint tea is simple. Rinse off the mint leaves and stems (any part of the plant will do), put a handful in a Mason jar, and pour in boiling water. And that’s it. Let it steep for a...

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